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Yorgos Lanthimos




A couple live in a fenced-in compound with their adult son and two adult daughters. The offspring have been raised with deceptive methods, isolated from the outside world. The parents have told the offspring they will be ready to leave the family home once they lose a dogtooth, and that one can only leave safely by car. The offspring entertain themselves with endurance games, such as keeping a finger in hot water. They believe they have a brother on the other side of the fence to whom they throw supplies or stones. The parents reward good behaviour with stickers and punish bad behaviour with violence.

The father pays a security guard at his factory, Christina, to come to the house and have sex with his son. Frustrated by the son's refusal to give her cunnilingus, Christina trades her headband with the elder daughter in exchange for oral sex from her. The elder daughter persuades the younger daughter to lick her shoulder by bartering the headband. Later, the younger daughter volunteers to lick the elder again. The elder has nothing to offer in exchange, but the younger does not mind and experiments by licking other body parts.

The father visits a dog-training facility and demands to have his dog returned. The trainer refuses because the dog has not finished its training, and asks: "Do we want an animal or a friend?"

When a stray cat enters the family's garden, the son kills it with a pair of pruning shears. The father explains that such cats are deadly. Deciding to take advantage of the incident, the father shreds his clothes, covers himself in fake blood, and tells his offspring that their unseen brother was killed by a cat. After he teaches them to bark on all fours to fend off cats, the family holds a memorial service for the brother.

Christina again barters for oral sex from the elder daughter. The daughter rejects her offer of hair gel and demands videocassettes of Hollywood movies in Christina's bag. She watches the films in secret and afterward recreates scenes and quotes their dialogue. When the father discovers the tapes, he beats her with one of them, then goes to Christina's flat and hits her with her VCR, cursing her future children to be corrupted by "bad influences".

The parents decide that, with Christina no longer available, they will have their son choose one of his sisters as a new sexual partner. After fondling both sisters with his eyes closed, he chooses the elder. When he engages in intercourse with her, she clearly has discomfort. She then afterwards recites threatening dialogue from a Hollywood film to him.

During a dance performance for the parents' wedding anniversary, the younger daughter stops to rest, but the elder continues, performing the choreography from the film Flashdance (1983), disturbing her parents. That night, she knocks out one of her dogteeth with a dumbbell and hides in the boot of her father's car. The father discovers her tooth fragments and searches for her fruitlessly. Although the family searches for her, she is not located. The next day; the father drives to work. He exits the car, still unaware his daughter is hiding in it. The film ends after the car, unattended, remains still; no indication is given whether the hiding daughter is able to exit the vehicle, or if she is merely waiting.


Updated - 23/06/2024